The Gamefound FAQ

A reference for episode 104 of Call of Discovery.

Accessed from the KeyForge: Winds of Exchange Gamefound FAQ on September 21, 2022:

A few commenters have requested of us to provide evidence that we will make KeyForge successful after this conclusion of this campaign, or to provide disclosure of our plans to do so. We're happy to be clear:

Ghost Galaxy a) cannot guarantee that our KeyForge relaunch will be successful beyond this campaign, b) cannot guarantee that KeyForge will get wide retail support, c) cannot guarantee that our KeyForge organized-play program will be successful, and c) cannot guarantee that we can continue publishing and supporting KeyForge in the future in any given territory or language.

While we hope for all these things to be true, and while Ghost Galaxy will try to make them so, we cannot know or guarantee such.

As for future plans; to summarize our facts and commitments, Ghost Galaxy:

  1. acquired KeyForge, a game no longer being produced, but had a large fanbase at one point

  2. is committed to rebuilding the software needed to produce KeyForge (a non-trivial endeavor)

  3. engaged in both of the above without any practical data as to existing demand in the market, just a bet in the viability of the game

  4. is running this campaign for the thousands of players that love the game and who want more KeyForge

  5. is committed to provide the KeyForge: Winds of Exchange products (and other items) described in this campaign, subject to the disclosed risks

  6. intends to support the existing fanbase in the near-future with organized-play and more KeyForge releases for as long as it makes financial sense, perhaps using crowdfunding in the future, perhaps not

  7. intends to make KeyForge: Winds of Exchange products commercially available to tabletop hobby retailers in the future

  8. will provide more information on organized play and future releases in the future, but not necessarily during this campaign

  9. is focused squarely on the existing player-base and community, which has proven more than substantial enough for a successful game

  10. hopes that our future plans and releases are sufficiently fun and exciting enough for more retailers and new players to join in on the action, however this is not among our first considerations: serving the existing community and publishing great products are.

Except as provided above, Ghost Galaxy provides no other promise or guarantee, explicitly or implicitly, in regards to this campaign or in regards to KeyForge in general. If you require more assurances, disclosures, or guarantees than this, then we cannot recommend that you back this campaign.